Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Harry Potter 7 to be split into two parts

Recent reliable sources have revealed the stirring news that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final installment of the blockbuster franchise, might be split into two parts. The move has been forced by the inability of the directors to fit the long story into a single movie.

Although Rowling has written just seven books but the viewers will be treated to an extra treat because of another movie (extra treat for Warner Bros. as well in terms of box-office collections).

The decision has been precipitated because of the fact that there is so much to be fit in the movie that it might be better to split the project into two movies. There is a grand battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort that needs to be shown nicely.

And to add credibility to this latest news, JK Rowling has commented on her website, "It is simply impossible to incorporate every storyline into a film under four hours long."

I would make a take on this issue in probably the next post.

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